Delivery Rates

Our delivery rates are based on the time it takes to reach the delivery address from our store.
To calculate approximately how much your delivery charge will be, click here to go to Google Maps and type in your destination address at the left. You will then be given an estimate of how many minutes it takes for us to reach your location. With that estimate, use the numbers below to see about how much your delivery fee will be.

NOTE: The same charge applies for 1 piece of furniture or one truckload.

0-18 minutes: $100

  • $70 garage drop
  • $140 unlimited delivery to same address for one year

19-23 minutes: $110

  • $80 garage drop
  • $160 unlimited delivery to same address for one year

24-27 minutes: $120

  • $90 garage drop
  • $180 unlimited delivery to same address for one year

28-37 minutes: $140

38-47 minutes: $155

48-57 minutes: $175

58-67 minutes: $200

68-77 minutes: $235

78-87 minutes: $275

88-97 minutes: $315

98-107 minutes: $365

108-117 minutes: $425

118-127 minutes: $485

128-137 minutes: $545

138-147 minutes: $605

148-157 minutes: $685

  • $25 surcharge on any military base. Garage drop and year delivery not applicable
  • $25 fee is applied if canceling/rescheduling a delivery less than 24 hours. 48-hour notice is required if the delivery is on a Monday. Notification must be given during normal business hours.
  • Additional fees may apply.